Protection – Who are you protecting?

Protection - what does this actually mean?  I have pondered on this quite a lot, as it does enthral me.  We all have a protective need in us, however, what we protect differs.  Some people are very protective over items like cars, houses, computers, phones or a very nice pair of Jimmy Choo shoes.  Alternatively your protective nature may come towards animals, not wanting them hurt or injured or even worse become extinct.  Others may be protective as part of their jobs, like the Police, Social Workers, Bodyguards or to a certain extent the Government. 

However, none of the above have a direct personal connections in your life.  These are all at arm’s length and although you would be very upset if something happen to them, it is nowhere in comparison to the people we love. 

What has always fascinated me is that by law we have to insure our car, our house and yet the people who pay for these items do not have to be protected.  I wonder why this is?

Life cover seems to have always been a ‘salesy’ word, one that is associated with just someone trying to sell you something for their own benefit.  This is such a misconception, as there is a real need for people to have life cover.  Nobody wakes up in the morning and thinks to themselves, “do you know what I am going to buy today...... life cover”!

What a large amount of people forget, is that there is no hole in the wall which will allow you to draw money from when you have an empty bank balance.  When the bank is foreclosing on your mortgage, when the credit card bill needs to be paid, when the car loan is being called back in.  Where will the money come from?

There are a large number of women who work part time and their personal wage will not cover the household bills, let only the mortgage on their own.  Even those with a full time wage would struggle, as a large number of time, two wages are required for a household to manage. 

Yet a large number of people still do not have any life cover in place. 

This may not be a pleasant thought for you, but think right now, if your partner or you were to pass away today, where are you financially?  Could you even afford to pay for the funeral in 7 days time?  Even if your mortgage is paid off, will you have enough to live on, with only one wage? How will this affect YOUR life or that of your partner or your children? 

Having experienced people trying to come to terms with the passing of a love one emotionally, then having to put their grief to one side, to then deal with the endless paperwork and demands for money from all areas.  When there is no money in the pot, the emotional pressure is quadrupled.  To watch someone in this position is heartbreaking. 

So the ones you love, are YOU protecting them, for the ‘what if’?